Flight Dispatcher trainees who passed exam before May 2000 to undergo recurrency training
In an Operations Circular (OS No.4) released on 2nd September, 2008, DGCA informs the training and qualification requirements for approval as Flight Dispatcher in respect of candidates who have passed the written examination from DGCA approved Flying Training Institute. (This Operations Circular supercedes OS 6 of 2000).
The minimum educational qualification for approval as Flight Dispatcher has been laid down as 10+2 with Physics and Maths. This minimum educational qualification is applicable from
DGCA says it has been decided that all those Flight Dispatcher trainees who have passed the written examination conducted by Flying Training Institutes under supervision of DGCA prior to introduction of DGCA written examination in May 2000 shall be required to undergo following recurrency training for approval as Flight Dispatcher:
a). An extended refresher training of minimum duration of three weeks with the operator covering contents of basic indoctrination training, initial training, aircraft type training, flight planning, radio aids and Instruments, Metrorology, Regulation, Aeronautical Information, Aerodrome Operating Minima, Crew Briefing techniques and communication procedures as specified in Civil Aviation Requirement on Training of Flight Dispatchers. The training shall be followed by a written examination by the operator under DGCA supervision/ permission covering various contents/ aspects of extended refresher training. Minimum pass percentage in the written examination shall be 70%.
b) Pass the written examination on Aircraft General and Aircraft Specific performance conducted by DGCA (CEO).
02/10/08 DGCA
I am 34 Yrs of age and B.Sc Graduate, I will be eligible for Flight Dispatcher.