Air Asia India hiring Pilots
Air Asia India, the new Indian airline Malaysian budget carrier Air Asia launching shortly in association with the Tatas and Telstra group is now looking for First Officers and Captains from India.
To apply as First Officer, should hold a valid Indian CPL/IR with an unrestricted class one medical certificate. Other qualifications:
- A minimum of 200 hours total flying time;
- English language fluency (written and verbal comprehension); must be at least equal to ICAO English level 4;
- Must be an Indian citizen;
- A320 type rating would be an added advantage.
For the post of Captain, age should be between 26 and 60.
- Must hold a valid Indian ATPL with an unrestricted class one medical certificate;
- English language fluency (written and verbal comprehension); must be at least equal to ICAO English Level 4
- Must be an Indian citizen;
- A320 type rating would be advantageous.
- A minimum of 5,000 hour total flying time; and
- A minimum of 1,500 hours total P1 flying time on MPA or MPJ/EFIS/FMS above 20,000 kgs and a minimum of 500 hours total flying time on Airbus FBW family.
- A minimum of 5,000 hour total flying time; and
- A minimum of 2,000 hours total P1 flying time on MPA or MPJ/EMIS/FMS above 20,000 kgs
- A minimum of 5,000 hour total flying time; and
- A minimum of 2,500 hours total flying time on MPA or MPJ/EFIS/FMS above 20,000kgs.
For details and to apply online, please visit the the following links in the career page of Air Asia’s website:
please anybody can provide where to submit the resume…iwas not able to find the website.
Hello there, just one simple question, any rough Idea about the salary of a First Officer with Air Asia India
hie, I applied after 19 april….has anybody got the reply from them if applied after 19th are the taking us into consideration?
I’m just trying for an air hoster if is there is vacancy please inform me…