Emirates adds 49 aircraft to fleet, to hire 500 pilots

At a time when many of India’s airlines are passing through financial headwinds with grumbling captains in the cockpits, Dubai based Emirates Airline is coming to India to hire a large number of pilots. The airline intends to hire a whopping 500 pilots from across the world as it is adding 49 new aircraft to its fleet by 2012.
While the carrier plans to pick up as many qualified pilots as possible from India, it has not revealed any number or the break-up of the categories. Air India (AI), which is reeling under a huge debt burden of over Rs 42,000 crore, has been facing difficulty in paying the salaries of its staff, including pilots, on time.
In fact, AI has been irregular in paying the pilots’ productivity-linked incentives (PLI), which forms over 60 per cent of their salary package. This has resulted in deep resentment among AI’s pilots. Some pilots have even left the carrier for others. In this background, Emirates may find a good number of qualified pilots willing to move to greener pastures.
A large number of first officers (co-pilots) are required for new slots and to fill vacancies. While commercial pilot licence (CPL) holders with no flying experience are not eligible, pilots flying cargo planes and private jets can apply. The selected pilots would fly Boeing 777, A330s and possibly be upgraded to fly A380s. The Emirates officials are coming to India for three days to meet Indian pilots and familiarise themselves with the recruitment procedure.
12/09/11 Lalatendu Mishra/Business Today

6 thoughts on “Emirates adds 49 aircraft to fleet, to hire 500 pilots

  1. Requirements: For the position of First Officer (prior to joining):

    * A minimum of 4000 hours total flying time (may include 25% P3 or FEO time to a max of 500 hr).
    * A minimum of 2000 hours multi-crew, multi-engine jet aircraft. (P3 time cannot be used for this requirement).
    * A minimum of 2500 hours total flying time on a modern commercial multi-engine, multi-crew aircraft jet. (P3 time cannot be used for this requirement)
    * Must hold a valid ICAO ATPL
    * English language fluency (written and verbal comprehension); ICAO English level (4 or above)
    * Type rated would be advantageous

    Even Captains with 2000/3000 hrs in command have to serve as F/O’s for a min period of 3 years after joining before being considered for command based on vacancies, etc.

  2. guys i think this websites likes to write just about vacancies which is not at all about fresher pilots… please also write the truth about jobless pilots….

  3. Everywhere in Aviation there are jobs 4 pilots & cabin crew.

    What about aircraft maintenance engineers and technicians???

    Without which the plane cant fly. . . . .

  4. Every airline is recruting Pilots, Co-pilots, Air Hostages and Flight Attendences But No body talks about AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS. What would happen of AME’s. Just Think…………….

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