Pilot licence test will go online

New Delhi: In the wake of the recent pilot licence scam that shook the Indian civil aviation sector, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has decided to launch the first ever online examination system for issue of pilot and aircraft maintenance engineer (AME) licences named “Vimanic”. The venture has been launched with the National Informatics Centre (NIC). The candidate appearing for the exam will have to login his “password” and “PIN” number on the screen. After the log in, the candidate will have to confirm his name, computer number, question paper reference code and subject. “Take a few deep breaths and select ‘start exam’,” the DGCA has stated. The exam will comprise multiple choice questions. “There is a facility to raise objections when the candidate finds any incorrect portion either in the question or its multiple choices in answer. However, the candidate can still choose to answer the most appropriate choice by clicking in the answer place. The candidate may ask for an “objection slip” from the Controller of Examination, fill in the required information and submit the same to the Controller of Examination on completion of exam,” the DGCA has stated. “If you face any problem with your terminal, don’t panic. Just inform the invigilator and you will be given another terminal. The time lost on account of this will not be counted,” the DGCA has assured candidates. 14/08/11 Deccan Chronicle

1 thought on “Pilot licence test will go online

  1. I am very interested in taking this AME license online. I hold the FAA A&P license.

    Please provide more information on this revolutionary idea.

    Kind regards.

    John Capps

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