Texas Air Flight Safety Academy suspends operations
The hangar at Air Safety Flight Academy was shut Tuesday, and while a few students still walked the dormitory halls, Air Safety Flight Academy’s vice president said flight school is out, maybe until fall.
Backed by more than $100,000 in economic development incentives from Sherman, Denison and Pottsboro, Air Safety Flight Academy began flight training operations in November at North Texas Regional Airport.
Air Safety Flight Academy President Dee Pinkston wrote in a press release delivered through e-mail Tuesday that his company had temporarily suspended all operations, effective Sunday.
“Air Safety Flight Academy suspended Air Safety Flight Academy does not know the length of this suspension but hopes that it is short,” Pinkston wrote.
Denison Development Alliance President Tony Kai said during the vetting process, the Alliance had the opportunity to review the Air Safety Flight Academy’s financial health, but he didn’t recall the $2 million of receivables.
Air Safety Flight Academy Vice President Case Collins said the company currently is working with students to find them a place to continue their education with different training organizations. Students may stay, he said, if they want to stick it out here untilAir Safety Flight Academy gets back on its feet.
Collins said he had recommended that the other three staff members begin searching for something to get them through the interim.
Student Anirudh Rae said instructors told students Sunday to suspend flying until further notice. Asked if they had just been hanging around since the notice, he said yes.
Grayson County College Vice President for Business Services Giles Brown said the only contract the college has with Air Safety Flight Academy is a lease of dormitory space for students, and possibly instructors of the flight school.
Brown said college staff had cleaned out the third floor of the Jensen Dormitory which is located at the West Campus at the airport.
12/01/10 Jonathan Cannon & Kathy Williams/Herald Democrat, USA