72 group A posts vaccant at DGCA
DGCA has invited applications in the prescribed form from candidates for filling up of 72 Group ‘A’ posts in the Civil Aviation Department on short-term Contract basis. Retired Govt. Employees who are below 65 years as on 30.06.2009 can also apply for the said posts. The number of vacancies may change.
The period of contract is likely to be, one year. Details of posts, remunerations, age limits, Educational Qualifications and application form in which applicants are to apply are given in the
DGCA website (www.dgca.nic.in). The posts are available at DGCA Hqrs. and at various Regional Offices like Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Kanpur, Lucknow, Guwahati, Bangalore, Bhopal etc. Preferences of the candidates will be kept in mind at the time of posting.
The applications may be submitted neatly typed on white paper in double space and typed on only one side of paper. The envelope should be superscribed with the following: “Application for the post of _______________ in response to Advertisement No. A. 32013/2/2009-E.II.
Complete applications with enclosures together with a self addressed post card by affixing thereon an additional postage stamps of Rs. 5.00 indicating Advertisement No., Item No. and Name of post should be sent to the
Opposite Safdarjung Airport,
New Delhi-110003
25/06/09 DGCA