Like AI's flights, its exam too gets delayed
Mumbai: The written test for picking trainee pilots, conducted by Air India (AI) at Bhavan’s College, Andheri (west), on Sunday, got delayed by almost an hour. And the reason was extraordinary!
AI had advertised for 30 trainee pilot posts 45 days ago. More than 1,367 candidates applied for the job. The AI spokesperson told DNA that never before more than 50% candidates had taken the exam. But on Sunday, almost all the applicants turned up.
Last-minute arrangements had to be made for more seats. More invigilators were called in. This delayed the exam, which started at 12.25 pm instead of the scheduled 11.30 am.
Sunday’s incident opened up a paradox: On the one hand, the international aviation sector is facing rough weather with dwindling business and passenger load. On the other, AI is vigorously increasing its fleet.
The large number of candidates turning up for trainee pilot’s job is “bad omen” for the pilot community, said aviation sources. Some two years ago, thousands of Indian youngsters went abroad, particularly to the US, Canada and Thailand, for commercial pilot course at a time when the industry was flying high. On an average, they will be spending almost Rs30 lakh to complete the training.
13/04/09 Baljeet Parmar/Daily News & Analysis