Jakkur Flying School outsourcing deal remain terminated

Bangalore: “The governor being the head of the state, his word is final and it has to be accepted. There is no question of inquiry by this court,” the HC observed while dismissing a petition filed by SCT Institute of Technology, Vijayananagar , challenging the withdrawal of outsourcing order for maintenance of Government Flying Training School, Jakkur.
A technical support agreement signed on March 4 was cancelled 21 days later after it was found that the signatures of the governor and his advisers were forged.
D P Anandamani, a stenographer in the youth services department; T Ashok, under-secretary of the department, and M Devaraju, section officer in the finance department, were suspended and several others were arrested.
The documents have been sent to the truth-verification lab for analysis of handwriting and signatures.
“The governor had said the signature in the document was not his,” the government’s counsel said.
The government tried to revive the flying school – which stopped operations in September 1997 for want of instructors – in November 2007 by calling applications for outsourcing of pilot-training facility .
10/09/08 Times of India

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