Asiaticair tying up with foreign flying schools
Indore: An Indore based pilot academy Asiatic International Aviation Academy have started tying up with foreign flying schools so that Indian student Pilots can cut down sharply on training time and get an International standerd pilots for domestic carriers with greater frequency.
In countries like the United States, Australia and Philippines, a commercial pilot’s licence can be obtained in just six to Eight months time with Instrument rating & Multi Engine rating.
Asiatic International Aviation Academy has produced aprox 300 Pilots in last five years, it has recruited more than 100 aspiring pilots a year and sent them for training to the USA, Australia & Philippines.
In some cases, this works out cheaper than getting a licence in India. Also, aspirants get to hone their skills on better machines and infrastructure. conduct the tests on their own and also help students in obtaining the visa.
Asiatic International Aviation Academy conduct the tests on their own and also help students in obtaining the visa.
16/02/08 PRESS RELEASE/Asiatic International Aviation Academy