NZ Aviation institutes urged to provide staff for India's aviation industry
Aviation training organisations are being urged to join together to provide trained staff for India’s booming aviation industry.
The General Manager of New Zealand’s only university school of aviation (Massey University), Captain Ashok Poduval, says the economic boom in India has resulted in huge growth in Indian aviation, creating an immediate demand for well-trained airline operational staff, particuarly pilots.
Captain Poduval has already had a positive response from training providers in New Zealand to the idea of a joint bid and says he plans to visit India to develop the initiative further.
He says this window of opportunity to the India market will not be open for long, with the Austraalian aviation training industry already making a bid.
Captain Poduval is a fomer Air India pilot and has held senior positions in the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
09/10/06 (press release), New Zealand